What would a women with type 1 diabetes test glucose score be is she did not fast 2 hours prior?

To determine the glucose score of a woman with type 1 diabetes who did not fast 2 hours prior, you would need to perform a blood glucose test. Here's how you can do it:

1. Prepare the necessary equipment: You will need a glucose meter, test strips, a lancet device, and alcohol swabs.
2. Clean the testing site: Use an alcohol swab to clean the fingertip or another testing site. Allow it to dry completely.
3. Insert a test strip: Follow the instructions provided with your glucose meter to insert a fresh test strip into the device.
4. Prick the fingertip: Use the lancet device to prick the cleaned fingertip gently.
5. Collect the blood sample: Touch the strip to the blood drop until it has absorbed enough blood. Some glucose meters might require a larger sample than others, so check the instructions.
6. Wait for the result: The glucose meter will display the blood glucose level within a few seconds.

Keep in mind that a non-fasting glucose score can vary throughout the day, influenced by meals, activity, and medication. However, if you suspect there might be abnormal blood glucose levels, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.