5. Which of the following sentences from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings contains context clues that help you understand the meaning of the word in italics?

Shame made me want to hide my face.

She didn’t encourage familiarity.

That dress looks professional.

The chifforobe was a maze.

I have not read the book before but from my view I think it's the first sentence.

Which word(s) is/are in italics?

hey your from connections academy!

To identify the sentence that contains context clues helping us understand the meaning of the word in italics, let's look at each sentence and analyze the context:

1. "Shame made me want to hide my face": In this sentence, the context clue is "shame." We can infer that the word "shame" helps us understand why the person wants to hide their face.

2. "She didn’t encourage familiarity": The word in italics, "familiarity," does not have any direct context clues in this sentence, so we can eliminate this option.

3. "That dress looks professional": There are no direct context clues relating to the word "professional" in this sentence, so we can eliminate this option.

4. "The chifforobe was a maze": In this sentence, the context clue is "maze." We can infer that the word "maze" gives us an idea of the complexity or confusing nature of the chifforobe.

Based on analyzing the sentences, the sentence that contains context clues helping us understand the meaning of the word in italics is: "The chifforobe was a maze."