which has the least value?

3130 L+38126 cl+ 3403 ml
394 kl+ 1425 Kl+ 490L
please show work!

Did you intend to have two different amounts of kl in the second part?

To Ms. sue sorry late reply, no its just a typo but i still need help

To find out which value is the least among the given options, we need to compare the numerical values of each quantity.

Let's convert all the units to a common unit, such as liters (L):

For the first option:
3130 L + 38126 cl + 3403 ml

To convert centiliters (cl) to liters (L), we divide by 100 since there are 100 centiliters in a liter:
38126 cl ÷ 100 = 381.26 L

To convert milliliters (ml) to liters (L), we divide by 1000 since there are 1000 milliliters in a liter:
3403 ml ÷ 1000 = 3.403 L

Now we can rewrite the first option with all units in liters:
3130 L + 381.26 L + 3.403 L

Adding these values together gives us:
3130 L + 381.26 L + 3.403 L = 3514.663 L

Now let's look at the second option:
394 kl + 1425 Kl + 490 L

To convert kiloliters (Kl) to liters (L), we multiply by 1000 since there are 1000 liters in a kiloliter:
1425 Kl × 1000 = 1425000 L

Adding these values together gives us:
394 kl + 1425 Kl + 490 L = 394 L + 1425000 L + 490 L = 1424884 L

Now we compare the results:
3514.663 L (first option) vs. 1424884 L (second option)

Since 3514.663 is smaller than 1424884, the first option (3130 L + 38126 cl + 3403 ml) has the least value.

Therefore, the least value is 3130 L + 38126 cl + 3403 ml.