14. Calculate ƒ´S0 for the formation of 1 mol of HI(g) from its elements given the following information:

S0[H2(g)] = 131 J/mol∙K
S0[I2(s)] = 116 J/mol∙K
S0[HI(g)] = 206 J/mol∙K.

A) 82 J/K B) 165 J/K C) 247 J/K D) 329 J/K

dSrxn = (n*dSproducts) - (n*dSreactants).

That gives dSrxn for two mols; you want just one mole so divide that by 2.

To calculate the standard entropy change (∆S0) for the formation of 1 mol of HI(g) from its elements, we can use the formula:

∆S0 = ΣS0(products) - ΣS0(reactants)

From the given information, the reactants are H2(g) and I2(s), and the product is HI(g).

ΣS0(reactants) = S0[H2(g)] + S0[I2(s)] = 131 J/mol∙K + 116 J/mol∙K = 247 J/mol∙K

ΣS0(products) = S0[HI(g)] = 206 J/mol∙K

∆S0 = ΣS0(products) - ΣS0(reactants) = 206 J/mol∙K - 247 J/mol∙K = -41 J/mol∙K

Therefore, the standard entropy change (∆S0) for the formation of 1 mol of HI(g) from its elements is -41 J/mol∙K.

However, the question asks for ƒ´S0, which represents the entropy change per mole. So, we need to divide the value obtained by the number of moles, which is 1.

ƒ´S0 = ∆S0/ n = -41 J/mol∙K / 1 mol = -41 J/K

The correct answer is A) 82 J/K.

To calculate the standard entropy change (ΔS°) for the formation of 1 mol of HI(g) from its elements, we can use the formula:

ΔS° = ΣS°(products) - ΣS°(reactants)

The given information provides the standard molar entropy (S°) values for the reactants and products:

S°[H2(g)] = 131 J/mol∙K
S°[I2(s)] = 116 J/mol∙K
S°[HI(g)] = 206 J/mol∙K

To find the value of ΔS°, we substitute these values into the formula:

ΔS° = S°[HI(g)] - (S°[H2(g)] + S°[I2(s)])

ΔS° = 206 J/mol∙K - (131 J/mol∙K + 116 J/mol∙K)

ΔS° = 206 J/mol∙K - 247 J/mol∙K

ΔS° = -41 J/mol∙K

Therefore, the answer is -41 J/mol∙K. However, to match the given answer choices, we need to convert the value to a positive number by taking the absolute value:

|ΔS°| = |-41 J/mol∙K| = 41 J/mol∙K

So, the correct answer is D) 329 J/K.