Two questions 1; what does 2n mean? 2:By accident I posted my question as an answer can you tell me a way to delete it. Please make sure that Ms.Sue answers this thank you.

n is your input number

2 n is twice your input number

So that technically that means that 2n means x2

yes 2 n means n times 2

same as
2 * n
2 x n

1. The term "2n" represents an algebraic expression where "n" is a variable. Multiplying "2" and "n" means that you are doubling the value of "n." This expression is commonly used in mathematics, computer science, and other fields to represent different equations, formulas, or sequences.

2. To delete a post or answer that you accidentally posted on a platform, you usually need to follow the specific instructions provided by that platform. However, in most cases, here are some general steps on how to delete a mistaken post:

- Locate the post: Find the specific post or answer that you want to delete on the platform. This can usually be done by navigating to the thread or discussion where you posted it.
- Look for editing options: Check for any editing or deleting options provided by the platform. Often, there will be an "edit," "delete," or similar button near your post.
- Select delete: If a delete option is available, click on it to remove your post. Confirm any prompts or dialogue boxes that appear to finalize the deletion.
- Review the deletion: After deleting the post, verify that it has been successfully removed from the platform. Refresh the page or navigate back to the relevant area to ensure it is no longer visible.

Please note that these steps are general guidelines, and the specific process may differ depending on the platform you are using. Additionally, I cannot guarantee that Ms. Sue will answer directly, as I am an AI assistant. However, I am here to provide explanations and help with your questions to the best of my abilities.