Give a definition of an uncountable and a countable nouns and examples PLEASE and THANK YOU!

A countable noun are nouns we can count such as pen, coin, cup, plate, dog etc.

An uncountable noun are subtances meaning like milk, electricity, gas, water, rice, music, love etc.

Thanks alot Ms. Sue thanks!!!!

Thank you Brooke!!!!

You're welcome.


An uncountable noun (also known as a non-count noun or mass noun) refers to something that cannot be counted as separate units or individual items. These nouns generally describe substances, ideas, or concepts that are considered as a whole.

Examples of uncountable nouns:
- Water (We cannot count water as separate units; it is measured in liters or gallons.)
- Happiness (We cannot count happiness as individual items; it is a concept described as a whole.)
- Information (We cannot count information as separate units; it is an abstract concept.)

A countable noun (also known as a count noun) refers to something that can be counted as separate units or individual items. These nouns can be singular or plural, and they often have both a singular and plural form.

Examples of countable nouns:
- Apple (We can count apples as individual items; one apple, two apples, etc.)
- Book (We can count books as separate units; one book, two books, etc.)
- Dog (We can count dogs as individual animals; one dog, two dogs, etc.)

To identify whether a noun is countable or uncountable, consider if it can be quantified with numbers or measured in a unit. If it can, it is likely a countable noun; if not, it is probably an uncountable noun.