Two thirds of a pizza is shared between 5 friends bob eats twice as much as any of the others. What fraction of the pizza does bob eat ?

2/3 divided by 5 is 2/3 x 1/5 = 2/15.

Now Bob eats twice as much as the others, therefore you may view it as if you were to divide something in three parts, Bob eat two of those parts.

Final Answer: 2/3 * 2/15 = 4/45
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Bob eats twice as much as his four friends, so we have to split the 2/3 pizza into 6 equal parts

(2 pieces for Bob + 4 pieces for each of the other guys = 6 pieces)

2/3 ÷ 6 = 2/18 = 1/9

So Bob will eat 2 times 1/9 of the pizza or 2/9 of the pizza

2/9 + 4(1/9)
= 2/9 + 4/9
= 6/9
= 2/3

Your answer is wrong Reiny. As read, Bob is one of the FIVE friends.

To find out what fraction of the pizza Bob eats, we first need to determine how much pizza each of the friends receive.

Let's start by finding out how much pizza each friend gets by dividing two-thirds of the pizza among 5 friends.

To do this, we need to divide two-thirds by 5:

(2/3) ÷ 5

To divide a fraction by a whole number, we multiply the numerator (top number) by the reciprocal of the denominator (bottom number).

(2/3) ÷ 5 = (2/3) x (1/5)

Multiplying the numerator and denominator gives:


So, each friend receives 2/15 of the pizza.

Now that we know how much pizza each friend gets, we can find out how much Bob eats. The problem states that Bob eats twice as much as any of the others. Thus, we need to multiply the fraction that each friend gets by 2 to find out how much Bob eats.

Bob's portion = (2/15) x 2

Multiplying the numerator:


Therefore, Bob eats 4/15 of the pizza.