Direct Preferential Flotation

Definition of this method is: separate various helpful minerals in proper order. With its feature of high flexibility, it can adapt the change of ore grade, especially for sulphide ore of high grade. Xilin, Fankou, Lechang lead-zinc dressing plant of our country, and Laisvall lead-zinc dressing plant of Sweden all adopt this method.

Combined Flotation Flowsheet
Firstly, get mixed concentrate through the emersion of all useful minerals in ores; secondly, separate various helpful minerals in sequence from mixed concentrate. These two steps together are called part of amalgamate flotation Flowsheet. This process is suitable for treat raw ores of complex structure, fine embedded grains, and low content of sulfide mineral, which are in close symbiosis relationship. Because this process can simplify process, reduce ores¡¯ over grinding, so as to benefit separation. Almarc Lead-zinc plant of former Soviet Union adopts preferential flotation this process. By using this process, we can get higher index than preferential flotation improve 10% of lead concentrate ore grade and 4.5% of zinc concentrate ore grade, raise the rate of multipurpose utilization from 75.4% to 83.7%, and double labor productivity. Qingchengzi zinc-lead ore dressing plant and Xiaotieshan copper ore dressing plant of our country adopt this process.

Part of Amalgamate Flotation Flowsheet
We can get mixed concentrate by the emersion of two useful minerals in ores together, then separate single concentrate from the mixed concentrate. The two stages together are called part of amalgamate flotation Flowsheet, which is the most widely used process in production. It is quite economical to adopt this process when raw ores contain low-grade nitrogen, copper-lead, copper-zinc, and lead-zinc.

Iso-flotability Flotation Process
According to minerals¡¯ flotability in ores, mineral assemblages of good, medium and worse flotability are separated through flotation separation. Secondly, different helpful minerals are selected out from all mixed concentrates, which is called iso-flotability flotation process. For example, Huangshapinng lead-zinc ore dressing plant of our country, and Zheskaz of former Soviet Union both adopt this process. Get beneficiation,Mineral Processing,ball mill

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The methods mentioned above are different flotation processes used in mineral processing to separate valuable minerals from ore. Here is a brief explanation of each method:

1. Direct Preferential Flotation:
This method involves separating various helpful minerals in the proper order. It is particularly suitable for high-grade sulphide ores. The ore is processed by floating the valuable minerals selectively, based on their properties, to obtain a desired concentrate. Several dressing plants in different countries, such as Xilin, Fankou, Lechang in China, and Laisvall in Sweden, use this method.

2. Combined Flotation Flowsheet:
In this method, the ore is first treated to obtain a mixed concentrate containing all the useful minerals. Then, various helpful minerals are separated sequentially from the mixed concentrate. This process is suitable for complex ores with fine embedded grains and low sulfide mineral content. By simplifying the process and reducing over grinding, it improves the overall separation efficiency. Almarc Lead-zinc plant in the former Soviet Union uses this method with success.

3. Part of Amalgamate Flotation Flowsheet:
Here, two useful minerals are immersed together to form a mixed concentrate. The single concentrate is then separated from the mixed concentrate. This is the most widely used process in mineral production, economically applicable when ores contain low-grade nitrogen, copper-lead, copper-zinc, and lead-zinc. Qingchengzi zinc-lead ore dressing plant and Xiaotieshan copper ore dressing plant in China both use this process.

4. Iso-flotability Flotation Process:
In this process, minerals with good, medium, and worse flotability are separated based on their flotability. The mixed concentrate is then processed to select different helpful minerals. Huangshaping lead-zinc ore dressing plant in China and Zheskaz in the former Soviet Union are examples of the iso-flotability flotation process.

To obtain more detailed information about each method, including the specific steps and principles involved, it is recommended to refer to specific textbooks, research papers, or consult experts in mineral processing.