in do not go gentle into that good night dylan thomas phrase wild men descirbes

A.people who embrace death
B.those who trade dignity for madness
C.those who celebrate life
D.people who deny death

C. those who celebrate life

I agree.

The phrase "wild men" in Dylan Thomas' poem "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" describes those who celebrate life (Option C).

To arrive at this answer, one should analyze the context and theme of the poem.

In the poem, Dylan Thomas urges his father, as well as all individuals, to fight against the inevitability of death and to live a vibrant life until the very end. He uses various images and metaphors to portray different types of individuals who defy death.

The phrase "wild men" refers to those who boldly and passionately embrace life. They refuse to yield to the constraints and limitations imposed by mortality. Instead, they choose to live with fervor, vigor, and vitality.

This interpretation is consistent with the overall message of the poem, which advocates for the human spirit to rebel against the notion of death's inevitability and to live life to its fullest.