<1 and <2 are a linear pair, if <2=67, then find m<1

A + B = 180.

A + 67 = 180
A = 180 - 67 = 113 Deg.

To find the measure of angle <1, we need to use the fact that <1 and <2 are a linear pair.

A linear pair consists of two adjacent angles formed by intersecting lines. The sum of the measures of the angles in a linear pair is always 180 degrees.

So, to find m<1, we can subtract the given measure of <2 from 180 degrees:

m<1 = 180 degrees - m<2

Since <2 = 67 degrees, we can substitute this value:

m<1 = 180 degrees - 67 degrees

m<1 = 113 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle <1 is 113 degrees.