6 9/16k=31 13/32 i don't know the answer to this one really its hard

6 9/16k=31 13/32

The easiest way to solve this is to convert these fractions into improper fractions.

6 9/16 = 105/16
31 13/32 = 1005/32

105/16k = 1005/32

Solve for k.

is k 1971.9 if not can you please help me

k = (1005/32) / (105/16)

k = (1005/32) * (16/105)

k = 16080 / 3360

k = 4.7857

I know this is a lot of numbers. However, we can estimate the answer to check it.

31/7 = 4.4

That's close -- so k must equal 4.7857

To solve the equation 6 9/16k = 31 13/32, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both mixed numbers into improper fractions.
6 9/16 = (6 * 16 + 9) / 16 = 105/16
31 13/32 = (31 * 32 + 13) / 32 = 1005/32

Step 2: Rewrite the equation using the improper fractions.
So the equation becomes:
105/16k = 1005/32

Step 3: Multiply both sides of the equation by the least common multiple (LCM) of 16 and 32 to remove the denominators.
The LCM of 16 and 32 is 32.
Multiply each term by 32:
(105/16)k * 32 = (1005/32) * 32

Step 4: Simplify and solve for k.
105 * 2 = 1005
210 = 1005

Since 210 is not equal to 1005, this means there is no solution to the equation. Therefore, the equation 6 9/16k = 31 13/32 has no solutions.