I am really stuck if you could me please

with this problem y=kxto find yfor x=6
y=-65when x=9
k=- this is where I get stuck

Y = kx.

K = Y/X = (-65) / 9 = -7.22.

Y = (-7.22) * 6 = -43.3.

To find the value of k in the equation y = kx, you can use the information given in the problem.

You have already found the equation -65 = k * 9, which represents the fact that when x = 9, y is equal to -65.

To solve for k, divide both sides of the equation by 9:

-65 / 9 = (k * 9) / 9

Simplifying gives:

-65 / 9 = k

Now, you can calculate the value of k by dividing -65 by 9:

k ≈ -7.22

So the value of k is approximately -7.22.

Now that you have the value of k, you can find the value of y for any given x by using the equation y = kx. For example, to find y when x = 6, substitute the values into the equation:

y = -7.22 * 6
y ≈ -43.33

Therefore, when x = 6, y is approximately -43.33.