How many molecules of CH3OH will contain 3.20 x 10^23 H atoms?

There are 4 H atoms per molecule of CH3OH; so you will need 3.20 x 10^23 x (1/4) = ?

To find out the number of molecules of CH3OH that contain 3.20 x 10^23 H atoms, we need to convert the given number of atoms into the number of molecules.

Step 1: Determine the molar mass of CH3OH.
Molar mass of CH3OH = (1 x mass of C) + (4 x mass of H) + (1 x mass of O)
= (1 x 12.01 g/mol) + (4 x 1.01 g/mol) + (1 x 16.00 g/mol)
= 32.04 g/mol

Step 2: Convert the given number of H atoms to moles.
1 mole of H atoms = 6.022 x 10^23 H atoms
Number of moles of H atoms = (3.20 x 10^23 H atoms) / (6.022 x 10^23 H atoms/mol)
= 0.532 mol

Step 3: Convert the number of moles of H atoms to the number of moles of CH3OH molecules.
1 mole of CH3OH = 1 mol
Number of moles of CH3OH molecules = 0.532 mol

Step 4: Convert the number of moles of CH3OH molecules to the number of molecules.
1 mole of CH3OH = 6.022 x 10^23 molecules
Number of molecules of CH3OH = (0.532 mol) x (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol)
= 3.20 x 10^23 molecules

Therefore, 3.20 x 10^23 H atoms will contain the same number of molecules as 3.20 x 10^23 molecules of CH3OH.

To find the number of molecules of CH3OH that contain a given number of H atoms, we need to consider the molecular formula of CH3OH and determine the ratio of H atoms to CH3OH molecules.

The molecular formula of CH3OH indicates that there are four H atoms in each molecule of CH3OH. So, we can write the ratio as:

4 H atoms : 1 CH3OH molecule

Now, let's calculate the number of CH3OH molecules using the given number of H atoms.

1. Start with the given number of H atoms: 3.20 x 10^23 H atoms
2. Use the ratio to find the number of CH3OH molecules:
(3.20 x 10^23 H atoms) / (4 H atoms : 1 CH3OH molecule)
3. Simplify the ratio:
(3.20 x 10^23) / 4 = 8.0 x 10^22 CH3OH molecules

Therefore, there are 8.0 x 10^22 molecules of CH3OH that contain 3.20 x 10^23 H atoms.