The decimal number 0.75 means:

A. there are seventy-five parts of a whole unit that has 100 parts.

B. there are seven-and-a-half parts of a whole unit.

C. that a whole unit consists of seventy-five parts.

D. seventy-five tenths of a whole unit.

LouLou, Mary -- please use the same name for all of your posts.

It looks like you're dumping your homework on us. Show us how you've tried to answer these questions.

ok sorry, i was thinking its A

You're right.

Thanks, sorry for tricking you

To understand what the decimal number 0.75 means, we can break it down into its place value representation.

In the decimal system, each digit has a specific place value based on powers of 10. The digit to the left of the decimal point represents whole numbers, and the digits to the right represent fractions.

In this case, the number 0.75 has two digits to the right of the decimal point, which means it represents a fraction.

The first digit to the right of the decimal point is in the tenths place, and the second digit is in the hundredths place.

So, when we read the number 0.75, we say "seventy-five hundredths."

Therefore, the correct answer is D. seventy-five tenths of a whole unit.