what type of correlation would you expect to exist between people's height and their shoe size?

My answer is a positive correlation.

I agree.

Yes, you would expect a positive correlation between people's height and their shoe size. Generally, as height increases, shoe size tends to increase as well. However, it's important to note that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, and there can be exceptions and individual variations in this relationship.

To determine the correlation between people's height and their shoe size, you can gather a data set of individuals with recorded heights and shoe sizes. Then, you can calculate the correlation coefficient, which is a numerical measure of the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. This correlation coefficient will help you determine the type of correlation.

If there is a positive correlation between height and shoe size, it means that as people's height increases, their shoe size also tends to increase. In other words, taller individuals are more likely to have larger shoe sizes. This positive correlation suggests that height and shoe size are positively related and move in the same direction.

Conversely, if there was a negative correlation, it would mean that as height increases, shoe size tends to decrease. This would imply that shorter individuals have larger shoe sizes.

To summarize, if you were to investigate the relationship between people's height and shoe size, a positive correlation is generally expected, indicating that taller individuals typically have larger shoe sizes.