Alternate exterior angles are always ?

equal, as are alternate interior angles.

Alternate exterior angles are always congruent.

To understand why alternate exterior angles are always congruent, first, let's define what they are. Alternate exterior angles are a pair of angles that are formed on opposite sides of a transversal and outside the two lines being intersected.

To determine if they are congruent, we need to understand the relationship between the angles and the lines being intersected. When two lines are intersected by a transversal, such as a line that cuts across two parallel lines, certain angles are formed. These angles are known as corresponding angles, alternate interior angles, alternate exterior angles, and consecutive interior angles.

When two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, alternate exterior angles are formed on opposite sides of the transversal and on the outer side of the two parallel lines.

The key property to note is that when two lines are parallel and a transversal cuts across them, alternate exterior angles are congruent. This means that their measures, or the size of the angles, are equal.

So, to answer the question, alternate exterior angles are always congruent.