A person hired a fire to build a CB radio tower. the firm charges 100 for labor for the first 10 feet. After that, the cost of the labor for each succeeding 10 feet is $25. more than the preceding 10 feet. That is, the next 10 feet will cost $125, the next 10 feet will cost $150. etc. How much will it cost to build a 90- foot tower

1st 10 Ft = $100.

2nd 10 Ft = $125.
3rd 10 Ft = $150.
4th 10 Ft = $175.
5th 10 Ft = $200.
6th 10 Ft = $225.
7th 10 Ft = $250.
8th 10 Ft = $275.
9th 10 Ft = $300.

TOT. = $1800.