Which one is correct?

There is a quarrel between he and Ralph. OR There is a quarrel between him and Ralph.

The objects of the preposition, "between," are "him and Ralph." The pronoun must be in the objective case.


The correct sentence is: "There is a quarrel between him and Ralph."

To understand why, let's break it down further:

In this sentence, "him" is the correct pronoun to use because it is the object of the preposition "between." When two or more people are involved in a quarrel, we use the objective case of pronouns (such as him, her, them) rather than the subjective case (he, she, they).

If you're not sure about which pronoun to use, you can try testing the sentence by using only one pronoun. For example, you can say "There is a quarrel between him" or "There is a quarrel between he." The first option, with "him," sounds correct, while the second option, with "he," sounds awkward.

So, the sentence "There is a quarrel between him and Ralph" is grammatically correct.