
F=1.8 * C + 32
Create an application that displays a table of the Celsius temperature 0 through 20 and their fahrenheit equivalents. The application should use a loop to display the temperatures in a list box.

To create an application that displays a table of Celsius temperatures 0 through 20 and their Fahrenheit equivalents, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up the user interface
- Create a new application with a GUI framework of your choice (e.g., Java Swing, Tkinter for Python, WinForms for C#).
- Add a List Box widget to the main window or form.

Step 2: Implement the loop to calculate and display the temperatures
- In the application's code, set up a loop that iterates from 0 to 20 (inclusive).
- For each iteration, calculate the Fahrenheit equivalent by applying the formula F = 1.8 * C + 32, where C is the Celsius temperature.
- Display each Celsius temperature and its Fahrenheit equivalent in the list box widget.

Here's a simple example using Python's Tkinter library:

import tkinter as tk

def calculate_fahrenheit():
for celsius in range(21):
fahrenheit = 1.8 * celsius + 32
listbox.insert(tk.END, f"{celsius}°C = {fahrenheit}°F")

# Create the main window
window = tk.Tk()

# Create a Listbox widget
listbox = tk.Listbox(window)

# Call the calculate_fahrenheit function to populate the listbox

# Start the event loop

Once you run the application, you should see a window with a list box displaying the Celsius temperatures from 0 to 20 and their corresponding Fahrenheit equivalents.