Can you check if the following constructions are possible?

1)It was half past ten at night. Jane was in her bedroom (when) the doorbell rang. it was dark (so) she switched on the lights and went downstairs.“Shall I carry your bag, Lucy?” Tom offered to carry Lucy’s bag.
2)He proposed to someone + that …. (Can you give me an example of this sentence?)
3) He proposed that I should go alone.
4) He proposed going to the seaside.
5) She explained/added/confirmed/ that she had arrived.
(Are the verbs above always followed by "that"?)
He informed/announced/promised us that he…
6)He exclaimed, thought, complained, assured + that + he ....
He reported to us (?) that he had arrived

1) OK

2)He proposed to us that we form our own corporation.

3) OK

4) OK

5) She explained/added/confirmed/ that she had arrived.
(Are the verbs above always followed by "that"?) [yes]


6) OK

1) To check if the constructions are possible, we need to analyze each sentence separately:

- "It was half past ten at night. Jane was in her bedroom when the doorbell rang."
This construction is possible since it follows a common pattern of indicating the time of an event and the location of the subject.

- "It was dark, so she switched on the lights and went downstairs."
This construction is also possible as it provides a cause-and-effect relationship between the darkness and Jane's action.

- "Shall I carry your bag, Lucy?" Tom offered to carry Lucy's bag.
This construction is possible as it shows Tom's willingness to carry Lucy's bag.

2) The construction "He proposed to someone + that ..." is commonly used to express a proposition made by someone to another person. Here's an example:
- "He proposed to his girlfriend that they should go on a vacation together."

3) "He proposed that I should go alone."
This construction is possible and is used to express a suggestion or recommendation made by someone to another person.

4) "He proposed going to the seaside."
This construction is possible and is used to suggest or recommend an activity or plan.

5) Verbs like "explained," "added," and "confirmed" can be followed by "that" when making statements or giving more information. Example:
- "She explained that she had arrived."

6) Verbs like "exclaimed," "thought," "complained," and "assured" can be followed by "that" when expressing someone's thoughts, opinions, or emotions. Example:
- "He complained that he had not been given enough time to complete the task."

- "He reported to us that he had arrived."
This construction is possible and is used to convey information or pass on someone's message or statement.