Can you help me break this into two clases, and Employee class and the default program class? I have to include a mutator and accessor method and provide properties for the instance variables.

namespace commission
class Program

static void Main(string[] args)

decimal commission = 0.07M;
decimal federaltax = 0.18M;
decimal retirement = 0.10M;
decimal socialsecurity = 0.06M;

decimal commission_amt = 0;
decimal fed_t_amt = 0;
decimal retire_amt = 0;
decimal ss_amt = 0;
decimal total_amt = 0;
decimal moneytakenout_amt = 0;
decimal takehomepay = 0;
string employeeName;

Console.Write("Enter employee name: ");
employeeName = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write("Enter the total sales amount for the week: ");
total_amt = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());

commission_amt = total_amt * commission;
fed_t_amt = federaltax * total_amt;
retire_amt = retirement * total_amt;
ss_amt = socialsecurity * total_amt;

moneytakenout_amt = retire_amt + fed_t_amt + ss_amt;
takehomepay = total_amt - moneytakenout_amt;



Sure! I can help you break the code into two classes, an Employee class and the default Program class.

First, let's create the Employee class. This class will contain the instance variables and methods related to an employee.

namespace commission
class Employee
private string employeeName;
private decimal totalSalesAmount;
private decimal commission;
private decimal federalTax;
private decimal retirement;
private decimal socialSecurity;
private decimal commissionAmt;
private decimal federalTaxAmt;
private decimal retirementAmt;
private decimal socialSecurityAmt;
private decimal moneyTakenOutAmt;
private decimal takeHomePay;

public string EmployeeName
get { return employeeName; }
set { employeeName = value; }

public decimal TotalSalesAmount
get { return totalSalesAmount; }
set { totalSalesAmount = value; }

// Add accessor and mutator methods for the instance variables
// ...

public void CalculatePay()
commissionAmt = totalSalesAmount * commission;
federalTaxAmt = federalTax * totalSalesAmount;
retirementAmt = retirement * totalSalesAmount;
socialSecurityAmt = socialSecurity * totalSalesAmount;

moneyTakenOutAmt = retirementAmt + federalTaxAmt + socialSecurityAmt;
takeHomePay = totalSalesAmount - moneyTakenOutAmt;

public void PrintPayDetails()
Console.WriteLine("Commission amount: " + commissionAmt);
Console.WriteLine("Federal tax amount: " + federalTaxAmt);
Console.WriteLine("Retirement amount: " + retirementAmt);
Console.WriteLine("Social security amount: " + socialSecurityAmt);
Console.WriteLine("Take home pay: " + takeHomePay);

Now, in the Program class, we will create an instance of the Employee class, set the values for the instance variables, and call the necessary methods.

namespace commission
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Employee employee = new Employee();

Console.Write("Enter employee name: ");
employee.EmployeeName = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write("Enter the total sales amount for the week: ");
employee.TotalSalesAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Console.ReadLine());

// Set values for the commission, federalTax, retirement, and socialSecurity variables

// Call the CalculatePay method to calculate the pay details

// Call the PrintPayDetails method to print the pay details

By breaking the code into two separate classes, you have created the Employee class to encapsulate the logic related to an employee, and the Program class to handle the user input and interaction. This improves code organization and maintainability.