Your friend James would like to stop biting his nails. A therapist suggests applying a topical ointment that will make nail biting an unpleasant experience, in a way, punishing James for his behavior. The therapist is using a _______________ perspective

What are your choices?

aversive/aversion therapy?

your friend james would like to stop bitng an unpleasant experience, in a way, punishing James for his behavior. The therapist is using___perspective.

The therapist is using a behavioral perspective.

Explanation: The behavioral perspective in psychology focuses on how our actions are influenced by external stimuli and the consequences of our behavior. In this case, the therapist is suggesting the use of a topical ointment to create an unpleasant experience when James bites his nails, aiming to associate a negative consequence with the behavior in order to reduce or eliminate it. This approach is based on the belief that behavior can be modified by manipulating environmental factors and conditioning.