half of a liter is equal to 16.91 ounces. How many ounces are there in 3 liters? help, Please

2 * 16.91 = 33.82 ounces in 1 liter

Take it from there.

Half of a liter is equal to 16.91 ounces. How many ounces are there in 3 liters?

To find out how many ounces are in 3 liters, you can use the given information that half a liter is equal to 16.91 ounces.

First, determine how many times 0.5 liters (half a liter) fit into 3 liters. This can be done by dividing 3 by 0.5:

3 liters ÷ 0.5 liters = 6

So, there are 6 times the amount of half liters in 3 liters.

Next, multiply the number of half liters (6) by the conversion factor of 16.91 ounces:

6 × 16.91 ounces = 101.46 ounces

Therefore, there are 101.46 ounces in 3 liters.