(1/2a + 3/4b - 1/3c)^2

just do ...

(1/2a + 3/4b - 1/3c) (1/2a + 3/4b - 1/3c)

using the distributive property, your fist line should have 9 terms.


To simplify the expression (1/2a + 3/4b - 1/3c)^2, we need to expand the squared term.

Step 1: Square each term within the parentheses.
(1/2a)^2 + (3/4b)^2 + (-1/3c)^2

Step 2: Simplify each squared term.
(1/4a^2) + (9/16b^2) + (1/9c^2)

So, the simplified expression is (1/4a^2) + (9/16b^2) + (1/9c^2).