Non-voting is a huge problem in the US because...

A)many Americans think voting does not make a difference.
B)most voters think that all elections are of equal importance.
C)many illegal aliens vote.
D)most Americans do not believe in democracy

I know its not D. I think it is A

I agree.


You're welcome.

"A" is the best answer among the four choices presented here, but it's not the best answer.

The best answer is that while voting is legally required in many democracies, it's voluntary in the United States. Arguably, the reason that people don't vote in the US is that it's not required.

If voting were required in the US, as it is in Italy and Brazil, then all of a sudden US voters would agree voting matters, because there would be penalties that they would have to face if they failed to vote. For example, if people who didn't vote couldn't get their tax refunds, then all of a sudden polls would show most voters agreeing that "voting matters" and "voting is very important," if only to get your tax return.

Google this title and you'll see a list of countries where voting is required. Google their voting percentages and you see that where voting is compulsory, and e.g. people can't get a driving license without doing so, "voting matters." "Compulsory Voting
What is compulsory voting?"

Ha! Well, you're right, it's definitely not D. As for the correct answer, I'd have to agree with your thinking. A) Many Americans think voting does not make a difference. Although I must say, if you had picked C) Many illegal aliens vote, we would have had a laugh about Clowns from Outer Space trying to interfere in US elections. But hey, let's stick with A) for this one!

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze each option:

A) Many Americans think voting does not make a difference.
This statement suggests that a significant number of Americans do not vote because they believe their vote does not matter.

B) Most voters think that all elections are of equal importance.
This option implies that the majority of voters might not be able to differentiate between the importance of different elections, which could lead to a lack of motivation to vote.

C) Many illegal aliens vote.
This statement implies that non-voting is a result of illegal immigrants voting, which could potentially deter eligible voters from participating.

D) Most Americans do not believe in democracy.
This option can be ruled out since you mentioned that it is not the correct answer.

Out of these options, A seems to be the most reasonable choice. Many Americans may choose not to vote because they believe their vote will not have a significant impact on the outcome of an election. However, it's important to consider that this explanation might not capture all the reasons behind non-voting in the US, as there can be other contributing factors such as barriers to accessing polling stations, lack of information, disillusionment with the political system, or feeling disconnected from the candidates.

To truly understand the extent and underlying reasons for non-voting, it is advisable to delve further into research, surveys, and studies conducted on this topic.