Quality Management Plan for followoing case:

You are working for We Are Big, Inc., an international firm with over 100,000 employees located in several different countries. A strategic goal is to help improve the environment while increasing revenues and reducing costs. The Environmental Technologies Program just started, and the VP of Operations, Natalie, is the program sponsor. Ito is the program manager, and there is a steering committee made up of ten senior executives, including Natalie, overseeing the program. There are several projects underneath this program, one being the Green Computing Research Project. The CIO and project sponsor, Ben, has given this project high priority and plans to hold special interviews to hand-pick the project manager and team. Ben is also a member of the program steering committee. Before coming to We Are Big, Inc., Ben sponsored a project at a large computer firm to improve data center efficiency. This project, however, is much broader than that one was. The main purpose of the Green Computing Research Project is to research possible applications of green computing including:
• Data center and overall energy efficiency
• The disposal of electronic waste and recycling
• Telecommuting
• Virtualization of server resources
• Thin client solutions
• Use of open source software, and
• Development of new software to address green computing for internal use and potential sale to other organizations
The budget for the project was $500,000, and the goal was to provide an extensive report, including detailed financial analysis and recommendations on what green computing technologies to implement. Official project request forms for the recommended solutions would also be created as part of the project.
Ben decided to have a small group of people, five to be exact, dedicated to working on this six-month project full-time and to call on people in other areas on an as-needed basis. He wanted to personally be involved in selecting the project manager and have that person help him to select the rest of the project team. Ben wanted to find people already working inside the company, but he was also open to reviewing applications for potential new employees to work specifically on this project as long as they could start quickly. Since many good people were located in different parts of the world, Ben thought it made sense to select the best people he could find and allow them to work virtually on the project. Ben also wanted the project manager to do more than just manage the project. He or she would also do some of the research, writing, editing, and the like required to produce the desired results. He was also open to paying expert consultants for their advice and purchasing books and related articles, as needed.
Thank You Please.

Quality Management Plan for the Green Computing Research Project:

1. Define Quality Objectives:
- Develop a comprehensive report on green computing technologies with detailed financial analysis and recommendations.
- Create official project request forms for recommended solutions.
- Ensure the project meets the standards of accuracy and completeness.
- Foster collaboration and effective communication among team members and stakeholders.

2. Establish Quality Standards:
- Adhere to industry best practices for research, data analysis, and reporting.
- Ensure that all information and recommendations are supported by reliable sources and up-to-date data.
- Comply with ethical guidelines for conducting research and handling sensitive information.
- Ensure all project documents and deliverables meet professional standards for clarity, organization, and presentation.

3. Identify Quality Responsibilities:
- The project manager will be responsible for overall project quality.
- All team members will contribute to the research, analysis, and report writing processes.
- The project sponsor, Ben, will provide guidance and oversee the project's alignment with quality objectives.
- The steering committee will review and provide feedback on the project deliverables.

4. Quality Assurance Activities:
- Conduct regular reviews of project progress and deliverables to ensure adherence to quality standards.
- Use a peer-review process to validate the accuracy and completeness of project findings and recommendations.
- Conduct periodic audits to ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and data privacy regulations.
- Seek feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and address any quality concerns.

5. Quality Control Activities:
- Establish a robust change control process to manage any updates or changes to project scope, deliverables, or requirements.
- Conduct thorough quality checks on all project documents and deliverables before submission.
- Ensure the accuracy of financial analysis and recommendations through rigorous data verification and validation processes.
- Monitor and manage risks that may impact the quality of project outcomes.

6. Quality Improvement Measures:
- Encourage continuous learning and professional development within the project team to enhance their skills and knowledge.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of quality management processes and make necessary improvements.
- Implement lessons learned from previous projects to optimize future project outcomes.
- Seek feedback from stakeholders to identify areas of improvement and implement relevant corrective actions.

By following this Quality Management Plan, the Green Computing Research Project will ensure the delivery of a high-quality report with accurate financial analysis and recommendations. The plan will also promote collaboration, adherence to ethical guidelines, and continuous improvement throughout the project.

To create a Quality Management Plan for the Green Computing Research Project, you will need to consider several key components:

1. Quality Objectives: Identify the specific quality objectives for the project. For the Green Computing Research Project, examples of quality objectives can include conducting thorough research, providing accurate financial analysis, developing comprehensive recommendations, and creating well-designed project request forms.

2. Quality Standards: Determine the industry standards or best practices that will be used as benchmarks for quality. This may include standards for data center efficiency, electronic waste disposal, telecommuting, virtualization, thin client solutions, open source software, and software development. Research reputable sources and organizations in the green computing field to define these quality standards.

3. Quality Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of all project team members involved in ensuring quality. This includes the project manager, project team members, consultants, and stakeholders such as the program sponsor and steering committee. The project manager should be responsible for coordinating and overseeing all quality-related activities.

4. Quality Assurance Activities: Outline the specific activities that will be undertaken to assure the quality of the project deliverables. This may include conducting regular audits, reviews, and inspections of project documents, processes, and results. It may also involve conducting user acceptance testing, verifying compliance with quality standards, and monitoring the project's progress against established quality objectives.

5. Quality Control Measures: Specify the measures that will be used to control the quality of project outputs and ensure that they meet the defined quality standards. This can include conducting regular quality checks, using quality control tools such as statistical process control or risk analysis, and implementing corrective actions when deviations from quality standards are identified.

6. Documentation and Reporting: Define the requirements for documenting and reporting quality-related information. This can include maintaining a quality register, capturing lessons learned, and providing regular progress reports to stakeholders regarding the project's quality performance and any corrective actions taken.

7. Risk Management: Identify potential quality-related risks and develop risk mitigation strategies. These risks may include insufficient research, inaccuracies in financial analysis, poor recommendations, or inadequate project request forms. Implement measures to proactively address these risks and minimize their impact on the project's quality outcomes.

8. Continuous Improvement: Establish a process for continuously monitoring and improving the project's quality performance. This can include conducting post-project reviews, capturing feedback from stakeholders, and implementing lessons learned for future projects.

Remember, the Quality Management Plan should be tailored to the specific needs and goals of the Green Computing Research Project. Use the information provided in the case study, along with your knowledge of quality management principles, to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses the unique requirements of this project.