The body of your essay contains which of the following?

A. The longest section of the essay

B. The supporting details.

C. A Conciluding sentence

D. All of the above

Where is YOUR answer?

The supporting details

i agree where is the answer

The correct answer is D. All of the above.

The body of an essay typically contains all of the following:

A. The longest section of the essay: The body of an essay usually comprises the largest portion of the essay and provides the main discussion and analysis of the topic. This is where the main points and arguments are presented and developed.

B. The supporting details: Within the body paragraphs, the writer presents supporting evidence, examples, facts, and explanations that help to reinforce the main points and arguments made in the essay. These details add depth and credibility to the discussion.

C. A concluding sentence: The body paragraphs of an essay often end with a concluding sentence that wraps up the main idea or argument presented in that specific paragraph. This helps to transition smoothly to the next paragraph and ensure a logical flow of ideas throughout the essay.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the structure and purpose of the body paragraphs in an essay. It is important to note that this question assumes a traditional essay structure. Different types of essays may vary in structure and organization, but typically, the body paragraphs contain the main content and development of the essay.