quoting summarizing and paraphrasing a source


Read widely and take good notes.

Quoting is using exact wording, which should be within quote marks or indented paragraph. Paraphrasing is expressing ideas in your own words, and summarizing is less detailed. All should indicate the original source.

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Quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing are different techniques used to incorporate the ideas and information from a source into your own writing. Here's an explanation of each:

1. Quoting: When you quote a source, you are using the exact words from the original text. This is useful when you want to highlight a particular phrase, sentence, or passage that is impactful or adds credibility to your writing. To quote a source, enclose the quoted text in quotation marks and provide the author's name, the title of the source, and the page number (if available), following the appropriate citation style guidelines (e.g., MLA, APA). For example:

According to Smith (2019), "Climate change is a pressing global issue" (p. 12).

2. Summarizing: Summarizing involves condensing the main ideas or key points of a source into your own words, providing an overview of the information. When summarizing, you do not include specific details or examples; instead, you emphasize the main concepts. To summarize a source, read the text carefully, identify the main ideas, and rewrite them using your own language. Remember to still credit the original source with an in-text citation and include the source information in your bibliography or reference list.

3. Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing is similar to summarizing, but it involves restating the original text in your own words, sentence by sentence or paragraph by paragraph. Paraphrasing allows you to retain the meaning of the source while avoiding direct quotation. It is essential to ensure that your paraphrase does not resemble the original source too closely to avoid plagiarism. Remember to acknowledge the source with an in-text citation and include the source information in your bibliography or reference list.

When using any of these techniques, it is crucial to maintain the integrity of your sources and to practice proper citation to avoid plagiarism. Always refer to the specific style guidelines recommended (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago) for proper formatting and citation requirements.