Last month Bill's electric bill was $80.77. this month Bill's bill was $69.06. What is the percent decrease?

(80.77 - 69.06) / 80.77 = ?

Multiply your decimal answer by 100 to get the percent decrease.


To calculate the percent decrease, you need to find the difference between the initial value (last month's bill) and the final value (this month's bill), divide that difference by the initial value, and multiply the result by 100.

Here's how you can calculate the percent decrease step by step:

1. Find the difference: Subtract this month's bill ($69.06) from last month's bill ($80.77):
Difference = $80.77 - $69.06 = $11.71

2. Divide the difference by the initial value (last month's bill):
$11.71 / $80.77 ≈ 0.145

3. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
0.145 * 100 ≈ 14.5

Therefore, the percent decrease is approximately 14.5%.