Write the equation of lime n balance it!

To write the equation for lime (calcium oxide) and balance it, we need to know what it reacts with. Since lime is often used in a process called hydration, where it reacts with water, we can write the balanced equation accordingly.

The equation for the reaction between lime and water can be written as follows:

CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

To balance this equation, we need to ensure that there is an equal number of atoms on both sides. Let's balance it step by step:

1. Start by counting the number of atoms for each element on both sides.
Left side (reactants): 1 Ca, 1 O, 2 H
Right side (products): 1 Ca, 2 O, 2 H

2. Balance the calcium (Ca) atoms by placing a coefficient of 1 in front of Ca(OH)2.

CaO + H2O → 1 Ca(OH)2

3. Balance the hydrogen (H) atoms by placing a coefficient of 2 in front of H2O.

CaO + 2 H2O → 1 Ca(OH)2

4. Balance the oxygen (O) atoms by placing a coefficient of 1 in front of CaO.

1 CaO + 2 H2O → 1 Ca(OH)2

Now, the equation is balanced, with 1 calcium (Ca), 1 oxygen (O), and 2 hydrogen (H) atoms on both sides.