There is a PV diagram with ABC and the cycle is moving clockwise.

segment AB is isobaric
BC is isochronic
AC cannot be determined

The delta U for this is zero and the W=positive.

The last questions asks if the heat flow Q is positive, negative, or zero and the answer given is that it is positive.

I do not understand how to determine what Q is. Is it positive because the W is positive?

Thank you for the help!

Please please respond

To determine whether the heat flow Q is positive, negative, or zero in this case, we need to consider the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that the change in internal energy (delta U) of a system is equal to the heat added to the system (Q) minus the work done by the system (W):

delta U = Q - W

In this scenario, it is given that the change in internal energy (delta U) is zero, and the work done by the system (W) is positive. So, using the First Law of Thermodynamics equation, we can rewrite it as:

0 = Q - W

Since W is positive, the only way for the equation to balance is if Q is positive. Therefore, in this case, the heat flow Q is positive.

In general, the sign of Q depends on the direction of heat transfer, with positive denoting heat added to the system and negative denoting heat removed from the system. In this case, since the work done by the system is positive, the heat flow Q must also be positive to maintain the balance in the equation.