Writeacher, here is a summary I urgently need you to check. Thank you.

1) Gatsby is an enigmatic figure, a mysterious “self-made man”, who appears to have achieved the American dream of immense wealth.
2) He is the owner of a palatial mansion where he holds fabulously extravagant parties, open to virtually everyone given all through the summer. Nick discovers emptiness at the heart of this glamorous world.
3) The emptiness caused by his unhappy love for Daisy Buchanan, whom he had met when he was too poor to merry her, Daisy is now unhappily married to Tom Buchanan, a brutal representative of the wealthy families, who has a squalid love affair with the wife of a garage owner.
4) Gatsby has now made the fortune he so desperately wanted. All he can do with his wealth is to buy a house in the neighborhood where Daisy lives and give party after party, hoping one day she will appear at one of them and fall in love with him again.
5) Although he is successful in this, his naivety and illusions are too fragile a basis for any lasting relationship, and Daisy herself is shallow and indecisive.

1) Gatsby is an enigmatic figure, a mysterious self-made man, who appears to have achieved the American dream of immense wealth.

2) He is the owner of a palatial mansion where he holds fabulously extravagant parties, open to virtually everyone and given all through the summer. However, Nick discovers emptiness at the heart of this glamorous world.

3) This emptiness is caused by his unhappy love for Daisy Buchanan, whom he had met when he was too poor to marry her. Daisy is now unhappily married to Tom Buchanan, a brutal representative of the wealthy families, who has a squalid love affair with the wife of a garage owner.

4) By the time Gatsby has made the fortune he so desperately wanted, all he can do with it is to buy a house in the neighborhood where Daisy lives and give party after party, hoping one day she will appear at one of them and fall in love with him again.

5) Although he is successful in this, his naiveté and illusions are too fragile a basis for any lasting relationship, and Daisy herself is shallow and indecisive.

Here is the summary you provided:

1) Gatsby is an enigmatic figure who achieved immense wealth and is seen as a self-made man, embodying the American dream.
2) He owns a luxurious mansion where he throws extravagant parties throughout the summer, but beneath the glamour, Nick (the narrator) discovers a sense of emptiness.
3) Gatsby's love for Daisy, whom he met when he was poor and unable to marry her, is a major source of this emptiness. Daisy is now unhappily married to Tom Buchanan, a wealthy and brutal man who is having an affair with a garage owner's wife.
4) Gatsby has managed to acquire the fortune he aspired for and uses his wealth to buy a house near Daisy's and throw constant parties, hoping Daisy will attend and rekindle their love.
5) While Gatsby is initially successful in catching Daisy's attention, their relationship is ultimately hindered by his naivety and illusions, as well as Daisy's shallow and indecisive nature.

To check the accuracy of the summary, we can analyze each point in relation to F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby". Here are the steps to verify each statement:

1) Verify if Gatsby is depicted as an enigmatic figure and a self-made man by reading the descriptions of his character and backstory in the novel. Pay attention to passages that portray his wealth and the pursuit of the American dream.

2) Confirm if Gatsby's mansion is portrayed as a luxurious place where extravagant parties take place, and if Nick, the narrator, finds a sense of emptiness within it. Look for passages that describe the parties, the mansion, and Nick's observations about the world Gatsby has created.

3) Determine if Gatsby's love for Daisy is based on their previous encounters when he was too poor to marry her. Examine passages that reveal Gatsby's feelings towards Daisy and their history together. Additionally, confirm if Daisy is currently married to Tom Buchanan, a wealthy man involved in an affair.

4) Verify if Gatsby's motivation for acquiring wealth and throwing parties is to bring Daisy back into his life. Look for passages where Gatsby's intentions are expressed or implied. Pay attention to his actions in relation to his pursuit of Daisy.

5) Determine if Gatsby's naivety and illusions, as well as Daisy's shallow and indecisive nature, hinder their relationship. Analyze passages that show Gatsby's character flaws and interactions between Gatsby and Daisy. Look for evidence of their compatibility or lack thereof.

By following these steps and consulting the novel, you will be able to check the accuracy of the summary.