TRUE OR FALSE The North and South were always able to compromise therefore the Civil War should never have occurred

answer - false

the south was prone to start fights with the north no matter what. They encouraged the war, because not only were they in favor of slavery, they also started conflicts about whether or not new states should be admitted into the union or not. They provoked the north in many ways like that and were NEVER willing to compromise

am i correct????

I agree.


You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct. The statement "The North and South were always able to compromise, therefore the Civil War should never have occurred" is false. While compromises were attempted throughout the years leading up to the Civil War, they ultimately failed to prevent the war from happening. The South, particularly the slaveholding states, was determined to protect and expand the institution of slavery, and they often provoked conflicts with the Northern states over issues such as the admission of new states into the Union and the expansion of slavery into new territories. Despite attempts at compromise, the fundamental differences and deep-rooted tensions between the North and South eventually led to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.