In “Lucinda Matlock,” what is the title character's attitude toward life?

A. She thinks life is hard.
B. She thinks life is worthwhile.
C. She thinks life is boring.

This one has to be C because she is happy all the time.

???? Boring and happy?

I meant to say B I got my letters mixed up I'm sorry.

Yes, B is right.

In “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” Farquhar is a gentleman. Why might he be hanged?

To determine the title character's attitude toward life in the poem "Lucinda Matlock," let's analyze the text more closely. This poem was written by Edgar Lee Masters and is part of a collection called "Spoon River Anthology." In order to understand Lucinda Matlock's attitude, we need to examine the lines and words directly related to her perspective.

One way to determine an attitude is by examining the words, actions, and overall tone used by the character. In the case of Lucinda Matlock, we can gather her attitude toward life through the poetic description of her experiences and outlook.

In the poem, Lucinda Matlock reflects on her life experiences, highlighting both joyful and sorrowful moments. She mentions being a wife and mother, and having lost multiple children, yet she speaks of these experiences without bitterness or regret. Lucinda Matlock embraces life's challenges and finds beauty in the everyday. She expresses gratitude for all the simple pleasures life has offered her.

Based on these observations, the correct answer to the question would be B. Lucinda Matlock's attitude toward life can be characterized as finding it worthwhile, cherishing the joys and enduring the sorrows with resilience and appreciation.