
Do you need to solve for w?

What is your question?

How would I take the steps to solve this?

Solve for t sorry.

It's already solved for T.

Ok I need to get the answer for both w and t

Do you have another equation for T and w?


I just relized that W was given in the text. Thanks

Hehehe! You're welcome.

The expression "T = 30w + 20" represents an equation. In this equation, T is equal to 30w plus 20. To find the value of T, we need to know the value of w.

Let's say we have a specific value for w, such as w = 5. To find T, we substitute the value of w into the equation:

T = 30(5) + 20
T = 150 + 20
T = 170

So, when w = 5, T is equal to 170.

If you have a different value for w, simply substitute it into the equation and perform the necessary calculations to find the corresponding value for T.