identify at least one major similarity and one major difference between the forms of the short story and the poem.

To identify a major similarity and a major difference between the forms of a short story and a poem, we need to understand the characteristics of each form.

A short story is a narrative prose fiction that typically focuses on a single incident or character, and it has a beginning, middle, and end. It explores these elements through plot, setting, and character development. On the other hand, a poem is a form of literary expression that uses carefully chosen words and structured lines to convey emotions, ideas, and imagery.

One major similarity between a short story and a poem is the use of figurative language. Both forms can employ literary devices such as similes, metaphors, and personification to enhance the reader's understanding and create a vivid imagery. Figurative language adds depth and richness to the writing, whether in prose or verse.

Now, let's explore a major difference between the two forms. It lies in their structures. A short story follows a standard narrative structure, including exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. This structure allows for a relatively linear and chronological development of events. On the contrary, poems have a more flexible structure. They can be arranged in stanzas or lines, with varying rhyme schemes, meters, and rhythms. Poems often prioritize aesthetic qualities, such as the sounds of words and patterns, over a strict linear progression of events.

In summary, a major similarity between a short story and a poem is their use of figurative language. A major difference is that a short story follows a narrative structure, while a poem has a more flexible and aesthetic structure. These distinctions help to define and differentiate the two forms of literary expression.