Desert is to oasis as ocean is to

(A) water.
(B) sand.
(C) sea.
(D) island.



The analogy given is "desert is to oasis as ocean is to _______." To find the answer, let's analyze the relationship between a desert and an oasis. Deserts are dry, hot, and often barren areas with little or no vegetation. An oasis, on the other hand, is a small fertile spot in a desert with water and lush plant life. It provides a stark contrast to the surrounding arid environment.

Applying this relationship to the options provided, we can eliminate options (B) "sand" and (C) "sea," as they do not represent a contrasting element or a specific location within the ocean.

Now, let's consider option (A) "water." The ocean is already prominent for its vast amount of water; therefore, it does not provide the same contrasting relationship that exists between a desert and an oasis.

Finally, we are left with option (D) "island." An island represents a distinct and contrasting feature within the ocean. It is a landmass surrounded by water and stands out as an individual entity, just like an oasis in the desert.

So, the correct answer is (D) island.

Desert surrounds an oasis. What does the ocean surround?