Thank you very much for checking this part on scientific English. Here is the last part.

1) The superconductors are also characterized by the so called Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect. When a superconductor is put in (into) a magnetic field, it produces a magnetic field which opposes it to the first one.
2) The magnetic levitation is based on this particular effect. Thanks to it, we can put a magnet over a superconductor and see how it levitates without any friction between the magnet and the superconductor.
3) This effect is used in Maglev train, which can reach between 300 and 500 km/h. Superconductors are also used in the transport of electric energy. As a matter of fact, thanks to their zero resistivity, they don’t dispel energy as heat through the Joule effect.
4) This important feature allows to make power lines able to transport electric energy without any problem connected with dissipation of energy.

1) The superconductors are also characterized by the so-called Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect. When a superconductor is put in (into) a magnetic field, it produces a magnetic field which opposes the first one.

2) Magnetic levitation is based on this particular effect. Thanks to it, we can put a magnet over a superconductor and see how it levitates without any friction between the magnet and the superconductor.

3) This effect can be seen with the Maglev train, which can reach between 300 and 500 km/h. Superconductors are also used in the transport of electric energy. As a matter of fact, thanks to their zero resistivity, they don’t dispel energy as heat through the Joule effect.

4) This important feature allows ____ to make power lines able to transport electric energy without any problem connected with dissipation of energy.

Science understanding is needed, too. I can deal only with English sentence structure, grammar, and usage!

1) The Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect is a characteristic of superconductors. When a superconductor is placed in a magnetic field, it generates a magnetic field of its own that opposes the applied magnetic field. This behavior is what allows superconductors to expel magnetic flux from their interiors.

To understand this effect, one can conduct a simple experiment. Begin by placing a small piece of superconductor material, such as a superconducting disk, into a container of liquid nitrogen to cool it down to its superconducting temperature. Then, take a small magnet and bring it close to the cooled superconductor. You will observe that the magnet levitates above the superconductor, seemingly defying gravity. This levitation is made possible by the Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect, as the magnetic field of the superconductor repels the magnetic field of the magnet, causing the magnet to float above the superconductor.

2) Magnetic levitation, as mentioned earlier, is based on the Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect. By utilizing a superconductor and a magnet, it is possible to achieve levitation without any friction between them. This phenomenon is highly fascinating and has applications in various fields including transportation.

If you want to see a demonstration of magnetic levitation using a superconductor and a magnet, you can search for videos online. There are plenty of experiments and demonstrations available that provide a visual representation of this effect.

3) One of the most notable applications of the Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect is in the development of Maglev trains. Maglev stands for magnetic levitation, and these trains work by utilizing superconductors to achieve levitation and propulsion. The absence of friction between the magnets and the superconductors allows the Maglev trains to reach high speeds, typically between 300 and 500 km/h.

In addition to transportation, superconductors also find utility in the transmission of electric energy. The zero resistivity property of superconductors means that they do not lose any energy as heat due to resistance, which normally occurs in conventional transmission wires. This is known as the Joule effect, where energy is dissipated as heat when electric current passes through a resistor.

4) The zero resistivity property of superconductors makes them ideal for power lines used in the transmission of electric energy. Unlike traditional power lines, which experience energy losses due to resistance, superconducting power lines can carry electric energy without any significant dissipation. This feature is highly advantageous, as it allows for efficient transportation of electricity over long distances without the need for additional energy input to compensate for losses.

To understand more about the application of superconductors in power transmission, you can explore scientific articles, research papers, or engineering textbooks that cover the topic of superconducting power transmission. These resources will provide in-depth explanations and details about the technology and its benefits.