i need a tip on function table please

help me please

What do you mean -- a tip on function table?

Sure! I can provide a tip on creating a function table.

To create a function table, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the function
First, you need to understand the function that you're working with. Look at the equation or expression and determine what the input (usually denoted as 'x') is and what the output (usually denoted as 'y' or 'f(x)') is.

Step 2: Choose input values
Next, choose a set of input values that you want to plug into the function. These values could be any numbers you choose, or they could be given in the problem. The purpose of the function table is to show how the input values affect the output values.

Step 3: Evaluate the function
Use the chosen input values and plug them into the function to evaluate it. For each input value, substitute it into the function and perform any necessary calculations to find the corresponding output value.

Step 4: Create the table
Create a table with two columns: one for the input values and another for the corresponding output values. Write down each input value in the first column and its corresponding output value in the second column.

Step 5: Repeat for other input values
If you didn't choose enough input values in step 2, continue this process with additional input values until you have enough data points to see the pattern or behavior of the function.

Step 6: Analyze the pattern
Finally, analyze the table to see if you notice any patterns or relationships between the input and output values. Look for any trends or regularities that may help you understand the function better.

By following these steps, you can construct a function table that shows the relationship between the input and output values of a function.