In a scaled drawing, 1/3 of an inch represents 6 feet. How many inches represent 54 feet

54/6 = 9

(1/3) * 9 = ?

In a scale drawing, 1/2 inch represents 3 feet. If the same scale is used, how many inches will be needed to represent 24 feet?

1/2 42 6

To solve this problem, we need to set up a ratio using the information given. We know that in the scaled drawing, 1/3 of an inch represents 6 feet. So, the ratio can be written as:

(1/3 inch) / (6 feet)

To find out how many inches represent 54 feet, we can set up a proportion by adding "x" as the unknown value:

(1/3 inch) / (6 feet) = x inches / 54 feet

Now, we can cross multiply:

(1/3) * 54 = 6 * x

18 = 6x

Finally, to isolate the variable "x," divide both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 18 / 6

x = 3

So, 3 inches would represent 54 feet in the scaled drawing.