A black racer snake travels 29.9KM in 13 hours. What is the speed in KM/h?

29.9/13 = ?

To calculate the speed in km/h, you need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, the black racer snake traveled 29.9 km in 13 hours.

So, the speed in km/h can be calculated by dividing the distance (29.9 km) by the time (13 hours):

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 29.9 km / 13 hours

The speed of the black racer snake is approximately 2.3 km/h.

To calculate the speed in KM/h, you need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, the distance traveled is 29.9KM and the time taken is 13 hours.

To find the speed, divide the distance (29.9KM) by the time (13 hours):

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 29.9KM / 13 hours

Now, let's calculate it:

Speed = 2.3 KM/h

Therefore, the speed of the black racer snake is 2.3 KM/h.