a car is moving on straight road with uniform acceleration .the speed of the car varies with time as of-4m/s,2 s-8m/s,so on till 10 seconds. Calculate the distance travelled in 10 seconds.

Asked 30 seconds ago under General Help

What is the speed at t = 0?

When is the speed -8 m/s?
Why are the speeds negative?

if we assume that

vₒ = - 4 m/s,
vb = - 8 m/s.
a =?, s = ?

v = vₒ +a•t,
a =(v- vₒ)/t = {-8 –(-4)}/10 = -0.4 m/s².
s= |vₒ|• t+a•t²/2 = 4•10 – 0.4•100/2 = 20 m.
(|vₒ| is the magnitude of initial velocity)

since we have -4m/s^2 s-8m/s

it appears that

Vo = -8
a = -4

I find it impossible to interpret the problem as written. Take more care to separate sentences with a space and capitalize first words. Exponents must be preceded by ^. Velocity data at a specific time should clearly state the time as well as the velocity

To calculate the distance traveled by the car in 10 seconds, we need to find the area under the velocity-time graph.

The given information indicates that the car is moving with uniform acceleration. We can assume that the acceleration is constant throughout the motion.

Using the information provided, we can plot the velocity-time graph as follows:

Time (s) Velocity (m/s)
0 -4
2 -8
Total time: 10 seconds

To find the distance traveled, we need to calculate the area under the graph. Since the velocity is changing with time, we can divide the total time into smaller intervals and calculate the area of each interval.

The intervals can be calculated as follows:

Interval 1: From 0 seconds to 2 seconds
Velocity: -4 m/s
Time: 2 seconds

Area of Interval 1 = Velocity × Time = -4 m/s × 2 s = -8 m

Interval 2: From 2 seconds to 4 seconds
Velocity: -8 m/s
Time: 2 seconds

Area of Interval 2 = Velocity × Time = -8 m/s × 2 s = -16 m

Interval 3: From 4 seconds to 6 seconds
Velocity: ?
The given information does not provide the velocity at this interval. Without this information, we cannot calculate the distance traveled during this interval.

However, if we assume that the velocity at this interval continues to decrease at a constant rate (from -8 m/s to -12 m/s), we can calculate the area:

Area of Interval 3 = Average Velocity × Time = (-8 m/s + -12 m/s)/2 × 2 s = -20 m

Interval 4: From 6 seconds to 8 seconds
Velocity: -12 m/s
Time: 2 seconds

Area of Interval 4 = Velocity × Time = -12 m/s × 2 s = -24 m

Interval 5: From 8 seconds to 10 seconds
Velocity: ?
The given information does not provide the velocity at this interval. Without this information, we cannot calculate the distance traveled during this interval.

If the velocity at this interval continues to decrease at a constant rate (from -12 m/s to -16 m/s), we can calculate the area:

Area of Interval 5 = Average Velocity × Time = (-12 m/s + -16 m/s)/2 × 2 s = -28 m

Now, let's calculate the total distance traveled by adding up the areas:

Total Distance = Area of Interval 1 + Area of Interval 2 + Area of Interval 3 + Area of Interval 4 + Area of Interval 5
= -8 m + (-16 m) + (-20 m) + (-24 m) + (-28 m)
= -96 m

The negative sign indicates that the car is moving in the opposite direction. Therefore, the car has traveled a distance of 96 meters in 10 seconds in the opposite direction from its starting point.