When the displacement of a mass on a spring is 0.515 of the amplitude of its oscillation, what fraction of the mass’s energy is kinetic energy?


To calculate the fraction of the mass's energy that is kinetic energy, we need to understand the concept of mechanical energy in simple harmonic motion.

1. First, recall that in the absence of air resistance or friction, the total mechanical energy of a mass-spring system is conserved.

2. The mechanical energy of a mass undergoing simple harmonic motion consists of both potential energy and kinetic energy.

3. At the equilibrium position (where the displacement is zero), the entire energy is in the form of potential energy.

4. As the mass moves away from equilibrium, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, reaching its maximum when the displacement is equal to the amplitude.

5. At the maximum displacement, the potential energy is zero, and the entire energy is in the form of kinetic energy.

6. Therefore, the fraction of the mass's energy that is kinetic energy can be calculated by dividing the kinetic energy by the total mechanical energy.

Now, let's calculate the fraction of the mass's energy that is kinetic energy using the given information:

- Displacement (x) = 0.515 * Amplitude (A)

To find the fraction of the mass's energy that is kinetic energy, we need to determine the displacement of the mass at the given position.

Let's assume that the amplitude is represented by 'A' and the total mechanical energy is represented by 'E.'

At the position with a displacement of 0.515 * A, the potential energy is zero, so the entire energy is in the form of kinetic energy.

Therefore, the fraction of the mass's energy that is kinetic energy can be represented as (0.515 * A)^2 / E.

Please provide the value of the amplitude (A) or any additional information needed to calculate the total mechanical energy (E) of the system for a more accurate answer.