Last week Frank worked as a waiter for 6&1/4 hrs, earning $9.80 per hour. He also earned $14.50 per hour delivering packages for 7&1/2 hours. How much money did he earn last week?

6.25(9.80) + 7.5(14.50) = ?

To determine how much money Frank earned last week, we need to find the sum of the earnings from his job as a waiter and his job delivering packages.

First, we calculate the earnings from his job as a waiter:
Frank worked as a waiter for 6&1/4 hours and earned $9.80 per hour.

To find the earnings from his job as a waiter, we multiply the number of hours worked by the hourly rate:
Earnings from waiter job = 6&1/4 * $9.80 per hour

To simplify the calculations, we convert the mixed number 6&1/4 to an improper fraction:
6&1/4 = (4 * 6 + 1)/4 = 25/4

Now we substitute the values into the formula:
Earnings from waiter job = (25/4) * $9.80 per hour

Next, we calculate the earnings from his job delivering packages:
Frank delivered packages for 7&1/2 hours and earned $14.50 per hour.

To find the earnings from his job delivering packages, we multiply the number of hours worked by the hourly rate:
Earnings from package delivery job = 7&1/2 * $14.50 per hour

Again, we convert the mixed number 7&1/2 to an improper fraction:
7&1/2 = (2 * 7 + 1)/2 = 15/2

Now we substitute the values into the formula:
Earnings from package delivery job = (15/2) * $14.50 per hour

To find the total earnings, we add the earnings from both jobs:
Total earnings = earnings from waiter job + earnings from package delivery job

Now we substitute the calculated values:
Total earnings = (25/4) * $9.80 per hour + (15/2) * $14.50 per hour

To simplify the calculations, we can convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions before performing the multiplication. After performing all the calculations, we get the total earnings of Frank last week.