Which of these was not a prime reason why Whitman chose to write in free verse?

A. to express his individuality
B. to celebrate democracy
C. to convey a sense of freedom
D. to imitate earlier poets he admired

I say B but am I right

I disagree.

I don't think anything as structured as democracy guided Whitman. Each person reads poetry in his/her own way. I think Whitman chose free verse to convey a sense of freedom.

What does the author of your text say?

The question is saying which is not a prime reason

Oops! I misread the question. Sorry.

I think you're right -- B is the best answer.

it's ok and thanks :)

You're welcome.

To determine which of the given options is not a prime reason why Whitman chose to write in free verse, we need to analyze each option and understand Whitman's motivation behind using this unconventional form of poetry.

A. to express his individuality: Whitman's decision to write in free verse can indeed be attributed to his desire to express his individuality. He wanted to break away from traditional poetic forms and create his own unique style of writing. Thus, this reason could be a valid one.

B. to celebrate democracy: Writing in free verse allowed Whitman to embody the democratic spirit in his poetry. By discarding the constraints of rhyme and meter, he aimed to create a form that reflected the equality and freedom inherent in a democratic society. Therefore, this reason aligns with Whitman's intention.

C. to convey a sense of freedom: Whitman's use of free verse was undoubtedly driven by his desire to convey a sense of freedom. By not adhering to the fixed patterns and structures of traditional poetry, he attempted to capture the essence of liberty and openness in his work. Consequently, this reason appears to be valid as well.

D. to imitate earlier poets he admired: This option is the one that does not align with Whitman's decision to write in free verse. On the contrary, Whitman purposefully rejected the styles and conventions of earlier poets whom he admired. He sought to establish his own poetic identity and break free from the constraints of traditional forms. Therefore, this reason is the most likely answer to the question.

Based on this analysis, it seems that option D, "to imitate earlier poets he admired," is the correct answer and does not align with Whitman's primary reasons for writing in free verse.