Which of the following statements about Maslow's needs hierarchy is correct?

A. Esteem needs must be satisfied before one strives to fulfill social needs.
B. Self-actualization is a growth need.
C. safety needs are more basic than physiological needs.
D. Social needs are considered more important globally than security needs.

My answer: C

I disagree.


c is incorrect

The correct statement about Maslow's needs hierarchy is B. Self-actualization is a growth need.

To determine which of the statements about Maslow's needs hierarchy is correct, you need to understand the hierarchy itself. Maslow's needs hierarchy is a theory proposed by Abraham Maslow that categorizes human needs into a hierarchical pyramid structure, where each level of needs must be satisfied before an individual can strive to fulfill the next level.

The hierarchy consists of five levels:
1. Physiological needs: These are the basic survival needs such as food, water, shelter, sleep, and breathing.
2. Safety needs: These include the need for security, protection from harm, stability, and order.
3. Social needs: Also known as belongingness and love needs, these include the need for friendship, family, intimacy, and social connections.
4. Esteem needs: These needs involve recognition, respect, status, achievement, and a sense of self-worth.
5. Self-actualization needs: This is the highest level of the hierarchy, where individuals strive for personal growth, fulfillment of their potential, and self-fulfillment.

Now let's analyze the statements:
A. Esteem needs must be satisfied before one strives to fulfill social needs.
This statement is not correct according to Maslow's hierarchy. Social needs come after physiological and safety needs but before esteem needs in the hierarchy. Thus, individuals can strive to fulfill social needs before satisfying their esteem needs.

B. Self-actualization is a growth need.
This statement is correct. Self-actualization is indeed considered a growth need in Maslow's hierarchy. It represents the pursuit of personal growth, self-realization, and the fulfillment of one's potential.

C. Safety needs are more basic than physiological needs.
This statement is incorrect. Physiological needs are the most basic level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy. Without satisfying these needs for food, water, air, and other physiological requirements, an individual cannot progress to higher levels of needs.

D. Social needs are considered more important globally than security needs.
This statement is not correct. The importance and prioritization of needs can vary across individuals, cultures, and contexts. However, globally, security needs are generally considered more fundamental and essential for survival than social needs.

Based on the analysis above, the correct statement regarding Maslow's needs hierarchy is B: Self-actualization is a growth need.