Put your parenthetical citation at the ______ of the information which needs crediting in your essay.


It would be at the end of the cited work.


e n d

The correct answer is c) beginning.

When including parenthetical citations in your essay, you should place them at the beginning of the information that needs to be credited. This helps to clearly indicate to readers which specific source you are referencing for that particular piece of information. By placing the parenthetical citation at the beginning, you are making it clear that the following information is not your own, but rather comes from an external source.

For example, if you were referencing a book called "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and you wanted to include a quotation, you would put the parenthetical citation at the beginning of the quotation like this: (Tzu, The Art of War, 200AD, p. 42). This way, it is immediately apparent to the reader that the words being quoted are not your own, and that they come from Sun Tzu's book "The Art of War."

Remember to consult the specific citation style guide required for your essay, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, as the exact formatting and placement of parenthetical citations may vary slightly depending on the style.