the united states is a leading exporter of:

_a. oil and natural gas
_b. rice products
_c. beef and grain
_d. cranberries and raspberries

I agree.

To determine which of the options is correct -- a, b, c, or d -- we can gather information about the United States' exports. One way to do this is by referring to reliable sources such as government agencies or international trade organizations. The United States Census Bureau, the U.S. International Trade Commission, and the United Nations Comtrade are some trusted sources that provide detailed data on countries' exports.

You can search for the official website of any of these sources and navigate to their trade or export data sections. Once you find the relevant data, look for the export values or rankings of the products listed in the options: oil and natural gas, rice products, beef and grain, cranberries and raspberries.

Compare the export values or rankings of each product to determine which option correctly identifies the United States' leading exports.

Additionally, you can also find information from news articles, research papers, or industry reports that discuss the United States' leading exports. Economic and agriculture-related websites may also have relevant information.

Remember that these sources should be reputable and preferably backed by official data to ensure accurate information.