1.Identify a typical developmental milestone for a person at a specific stage and explain how achievement of this milestone might be impacted by genetics and environment.

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A typical developmental milestone for a person at a specific stage is learning to walk, which usually occurs around the age of 12-15 months.

The achievement of this milestone can be impacted by both genetics and the environment in which the person grows up.

Genetics play a significant role in determining the physical and neurological factors that influence a person's ability to walk. Some individuals might inherit genes that make them more inclined to develop strong muscles and coordination, which can aid in their ability to walk earlier. On the other hand, genetic disorders or conditions that affect muscle strength or coordination, such as cerebral palsy, can delay the achievement of this milestone.

Environment also plays a crucial role in the achievement of walking. Children who grow up in environments that provide ample opportunity for physical activity, such as safe and open spaces to play and exploration, tend to develop their motor skills more quickly. Conversely, children raised in environments lacking in physical stimulation or with limited opportunities for movement may face delays in achieving this milestone.

Additionally, the quality of the caregiver-child relationship and the level of support and encouragement provided by parents or caregivers also impact the achievement of developmental milestones. A supportive and nurturing environment can promote trust, confidence, and self-esteem in a child, providing them with the emotional stability and encouragement necessary for taking the necessary risks and attempting to walk.

In summary, the achievement of the typical developmental milestone of walking can be influenced by both genetics and the environment. While genetics predispose individuals to certain physical and neurological factors that can facilitate or delay walking, the environment plays a critical role in providing the necessary conditions and opportunities for a person to develop and refine their motor skills.