ABC phone company charges $16 per month plus 8¢ per minute of phone calls. XYZ phone company charges

$10 per month plus 11¢ per minute of phone calls. How many minutes of phone calls in a month make XYZ
phone company the better deal?

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The difference is $6, and each minute costs a difference of 3 cents.
Therefore at $6/0.03=200 minutes, the two are equal. Under 200, XYZ is less expensive.

the phone company has two plans for cell phones. the first plan calls for a monthly fee of 35.00 with unlimited calling. The other plan is a monthly fee of 15.00, with a 0.50 fee for every minute over 100 used in a month. What is the greatest number of minutes that you can use in the second plan and still pay less than the first plan?

To compare the two phone companies and determine the better deal, we need to find the point at which the cost of XYZ phone company becomes less than the cost of ABC phone company. Let's break down the costs for both companies:

ABC phone company:
Monthly fee: $16
Cost per minute: 8¢

XYZ phone company:
Monthly fee: $10
Cost per minute: 11¢

To find the number of minutes that make XYZ phone company the better deal, we need to set up an equation.

Let's assume the number of minutes of phone calls in a month is represented by 'm'. Therefore, the equation will be:

16 + 0.08m > 10 + 0.11m

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of 'm' when the cost of XYZ phone company is less than ABC phone company:

16 - 10 > 0.11m - 0.08m
6 > 0.03m
m > 6 / 0.03
m > 200

So, if the number of minutes of phone calls in a month is greater than 200, XYZ phone company will be the better deal.

Therefore, 201 minutes or more would make XYZ phone company the better deal.